Your Name Here was presented as the 8th episode in Kinema Ikon’s Serial/Season 1, in Arad in April 2014. It consisted of 7 black models, replicating lit commercial signs, mounted on tiny metal structures and positioned away from the viewers, facing the wall. On the same wall, slightly above the models, we had a still image of the Hubble Space Telescope projected. Starting from a fleeting and unexpected feeling of awareness of my own positioning in space and time, YOUR NAME HERE was designed as an invitation for the onlooker to do the same, each in their own manner and by their own will. Both individually and as an ensemble, the 7 models exist to bend the rules of the fore mentioned positioning, in an attempt of getting this awareness to the surface. The viewers become themselves part of this space and time structure which changes its values constantly, according to the chosen point of reference, from a soberly measured reality, to a much bigger picture, that which is way beyond the usual calculation of space and time we use in our daily actions. For the collective DVD archive of the Serial/Season 1, I chose to present a complementary narrative to the installation, a slide show of possible contexts, languages and realities, within the exact structure of a constantly measured cadence.