City of the Future is the first Augmented Reality installation to be hosted on the LOC platform, which is an art, education and research platform in urban space. The project was developed by Reactor, space for creation and experiment in association with Clujul Sustenabil and Cluj Cultural Centre. The first stage of the project consisted of a workshop where we imagined, built and managed an iteration of the future together with eight children of the Octavian Goga School. The design of the workshop, done together with Natalia Ciobanu, an environmental specialist, Marius Mornea, member of Clujul Sustenabil and Delia Gavlitchi, a theatre director, put the emphasis on private and common space, materials, resources and impact on the environment. We took the outcome of the workshop and traslated it into an AR installation where the eight children become the guides of their community, facilitating the exploration of their story. The installation can be viewed in the center of Cluj, but also (in a smaller format) anywhere there's a horizontal surface to be scanned. LOC can be dowloaded here: https://qrco.de/beOSDW